serveServing God
Gyan Sarovar- A Sacred Home
In the Aravali Hills is a remarkable Gyan Sarovar – Academy for a Better World spread in 30 acres of land. This Academy is a place of international endeavor – a place where people can reach to realise their unique human potential and cultivate the values for life.
Our Story

The Vision
Gyan Sarovar was inspired by a vision of a modern village-style complex in a rural setting. It is a village with a difference – a global village that offers individuals of all walks of life and cultures residential programs for lifelong learning based on human, moral and spiritual values and principles. With a holistic approach firmly
in mind, the purpose-built Academy strives to be eco-friendly while also taking advantage of new developments in technology, communication and education.
How it all started..
In 1991, to keep pace with the growing expansion of activities, the University purchased a 30 acres land 5 kms away from Pandav Bhawan (headquarters of Brahma Kumaris) to build a spiritual academy. Owned by residents of Salgaon, the land was rocky and hilly and had lain barren for years.

Land Development while preserving the Natural Environment
In the design of the whole complex, a commitment was made to integrate all buildings as much as possible within the natural environment by maintaining the existing topography, preserving rock formations, limiting the height of buildings and having buildings on only 12% of the land. This would then leave plenty of open space for gardens, trees, lakes and broad access ways. gatherings happen.
Support From Governor of Rajasthan
In 1993, the Governor of Rajasthan, H.E. Dr. Marri Chenna Reddy sanctioned the building of a proper approach road from Mount Abu to Salgoan. Construction started in January 1994 and a basic 2.2 kms road was laid down by the autumn. Villagers now have easy access to the town.
Further, the construction work generated an average of 500, and at the peak 1000 short term construction jobs.

Renewable Energy
Mount Abu is in an arid region and enjoys long days of sunshine nearly all year round. With conventional commercial electricity supply at times unreliable, and relatively costly, the solar energy possibilities are appealing.
Bringing Sunshine into the Kitchen
The Academy regularly offers three full meals a day to 700 or more people, making the energy requirements of the extensive kitchens an obvious priority.

Model Rural Housing
As plans were being considered for the overall development of the complex, energy-efficient construction techniques were studied and an experimental rural house and meditation pavilion were built. Their design features a newly developed dome-and-vault construction technique for stabilized soil blocks, or mud bricks, used internally with a double wall system to help maintain a relatively stable year-round temperature.
Past Directors of Gyan Sarovar

Dadi Chandramani
Founding Member of Brahma Kumaris
Rajyogini Dadi Chandramani was the founding member of this spiritual institution. She came in contact with Brahma Baba in Sindh, Hyderabad at the young age of 15 years and was immensely inspired and impressed by the teachings of this spiritual institution. At the time when Baba started a boarding house for small children, she was selected to head an important department.
After the immigration of the Institution to India in 1950, when the services had just started, Dadi Chandramini became instrumental in opening many centres especially in North India. Later, she was handed over the responsibility of zone incharge of integrated Punjab consisting mainly of four states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.In the year 1983, she was nominated as the Joint Chief of the Brahma Kumaris. In the year 1995, when Gyan Sarovar came into being, Dadi Chandramani was made Incharge of Value Education Academy. She also held the charge of Director, Indore and Karnataka zones. She was the Chairman of Social service Wing of Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation. She was the founding member of Brahma Kumaris Educational Society.
Dadi Chandramani passed away and attained her stage of perfection on 11th March, 1997.

Dadi Manohar
Founding Member of Brahma Kumaris
Rajyogini Dadi Manohar Indra, Founder Member of Brahma Kumaris institution, Director of its Rajyoga Camps and of its Academy for a Better World.
Born to an affluent and religious Sindhi family, she at her tender age of 12 joined the institution during its formative year in 1936. Her deep love and dedication for the practice and promotion of India’s universal spiritual wisdom, eternal values, rajyoga meditation, moral disciplines, simple & satwick lifestyle and selfless services catapulted her to the centre stage to become the fore-runner and vanguard of the Brahma Kumaris spiritual movement.
Dadiji is always endeared and will be cherished fondly by lakhs of people who have come in contact with her world wide, for her loving nature and virtues of humility, honesty, simplicity, fearlessness, fellow feeling, large heartedness, caring, sharing and compassionate character and service with a smile.
Our Parent Organization
Brahma Kumaris
Who we are ?

Brahma Kumaris, officially known as ‘Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya’ is a worldwide spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Founded in 1936 in Hyderabad, Sindh (then a part of undivided India) by Prajapita Brahma, Brahma Kumaris has spread to over 137 countries in 5 continents of the world and has had an extensive impact on all sections of the society. It is working as an international NGO, associated with the United Nations Department of Public Relations. The organization is committed to help individuals transform themselves, based on the understanding of their true, spiritual identity, which transcends their mere material existence.
It supports the cultivation of a deep collective consciousness of peace and of the individual dignity of each soul. Being a women – led organization it is widely known as Brahma Kumaris. Even though the founding father of the organization was fondly known as Prajapita Brahma, the first Administrative Head was Mateshwari Jagdamba, fondly known as Mamma.
In 1950, this spiritual group relocated to India, and found place in the beautiful Aravalli Ranges of Mount Abu in Rajasthan. From there, the seed of spiritual knowledge sown, grew gradually and the organization starting spreading its branches in different parts of the country. In 1971, the spiritual knowledge and practice of Raja Yoga spread overseas, with the first foreign centre in London.
After the ascension of Mateshwari Jagdamba to the subtle world in 1965 and Prajapita Brahma in 1969, Rajyogini Dadi Prakashmani was appointed the next Administrative Head of the Institution.
When Rajyogini Dadi Prakashmani left her mortal coil, Rajyogini Dadi Janki , who had played the pivotal role in spreading the Godly Message in almost all the countries of the world, became Chief Administrative Head from 2007. With her tirelessness, dedication, Dadi Janki led the organization until 2020, when she ascended to the subtle world at the age of 104.
Later, Dadi Hridaymohini, was appointed the Chief Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris until she attained her angelic form in March 2021. The present Chief Administrative Head is Dadi Ratanmohini who at 98 is tirelessly and successfully fulfilling the responsibilities and services.
The Tree And Its Branches
The Brahma Kumaris perform their various socio-spiritual roles and responsibilities with the help of some sister institutions constituted with a specific objective. While the overall goal of all these remains spiritual enlightenment through the practice of Raja Yoga, each of these institute tends to execute its purpose in a focused manner. The major sister institutes are :

The World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST)
Registered as a charitable trust, with its Head-Office in Mumbai, the WRST was incorporated in December 1968 with the sole goal of:
- Promotion, propagation and research in ancient Indian Culture, knowledge, yoga and philosophy.
- Arranging and managing museums, exhibitions and seminars with special emphasis on imparting knowledge, ennobling character & uplitiing human lives. For this purpose the WRST makes provisions for the study and teaching as also establishing and managing institutes for the said purpose.

The Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation (RE&RF)
RE&RF was registered under the Societies Registration Act, XXI, in 11 August 1982 as an educational & charitable Society. RE&RF executes its various responsibilities with the help of its 20 constituent wings, each of which is dedicated to the service of specific sections of our society. Its main objective is:
- To establish centres of Rajyoga and propagate Rajyoga education
- To foster soul-consciousness; universal brotherhood
- To promote literacy & encourage scientific research in Rajyoga

The Brahma Kumaris Education Society (BKES)
BKES, registered under the Provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 (Act No. 29 of 1950) on 18-11-1996, as an educational and charitable society, has its Head Office at Mumbai. Its main objectives are:
- To impart education in moral, cultural and spiritual values.
- To promote scientific temper and spiritual vision.
- To promote emotional balance & self-restraint for holistic personality development and conduct related training.
The Brahma Kumaris is an international non-governmental organization of the United Nations. Through its international network of centers in 137 countries, the Brahma Kumaris provide people with opportunities and settings to voice their opinions on critical matters that impact their daily lives and ensure that their messages make their way back to the UN through written and oral statements and other publications presented at UN conferences and meetings. The principles of the Brahma Kumaris are aligned in particular with the tenet contained in the Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations – “… to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person….” &“to promote awareness and highlight the purpose and principles of the UN.”
Brahma Kumaris contribute to the work of the UN in promoting the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter, the trajectory of awareness, attitude, vision, and action is used in the areas of the Millennium Development Goals, Climate Change, Food Crisis, Gender Equality, Global Public Health, Humanitarian Emergencies, Human Rights, Women, Children, Youth, International Decades, Days.
We are also a part of UN conferences, preparatory committee meetings, commissions: presenting oral and written statements; hosting parallel events; working with NGO committees and caucuses.
Current Leaders
Our Services
- Raja Yoga Meditation
- Overcoming Anger
- Positive Thinking
- Self- Esteem
- Stress-Free Living
- Residential Courses
How to Reach
- Gyan Sarovar- Academy for a better world, Salgaon, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India
- +919414153149