Learn : How to Meditate

Meditating is easy. Raja Yoga even has the name ‘Easy Raja Yoga’. But sometimes getting started needs a little explanation. Here is a simple five-step process to follow. Soon you’ll arrive at the quiet still place with just a single stride – a single thought – and you won’t even need to take five steps.

How to Meditate - 5 Steps

A simple but profound guide to meditation that guarantees success.

Step -4


Realisation is when my understanding and feelings combine and I experience a more profound, more meaningful reality

Learn more about Raja Yoga meditation – what it is, why, howwhere and when to do it, and the kind of people who are using it in their lives here

For more meditation experiences here on this site, step across into Experience

Ever thought about going on a Meditation Retreat?

Do you feel you don’t time to meditate?

Meditating for just one minute can make a difference. Find out how: just-a-minute

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