No matter who we are or where we work, we always want to raise the bar and bring out the best in our workspaces. We all have so much to offer to each other and learn from each other. Therefore, Gyan Sarovar is the hub of various groups or ‘wings’ through which we serve a variety of professionals throughout India. If you would like to join a retreat connected to your profession, line of work or hobby, please contact the ‘wing’ that is relevant to you and join us at an event located near you.

Administrator's Service Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To revive moral & ethical values among administrators
- To apply spiritual means & techniques to meet challenges
- To provide training in self-development, stress management
- To inculcate a sense of accountability & transparency in the system
- Through self awareness enhancing empowerment in work culture & ruling power.
Agriculture & Rural Development Wing
Aims & Objectives
- The Village Adoption
- Drug De-addiction Rally
- Ideal Gokul Gaon fair etc.
- Rural Youth Empowerment
- Sustainable Yogic Agriculture
- Clean Golden rural India Plan
- All India Holoistic Rural Awakening
- All India Holistic Rural Development

Our Team Leaders

Art & Culture Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To make arta & Culture a source of developing divine qualities in man
- Empowering Artists Spirituality to check growing commercialism of art
- To inculcate Spiritual & Human values to stop moral degradation
- To make art a strong manifestation of Spiritual & Human Values.
- Encourage artist to lead a stress free & Drug free life
- To install spirituality in the artist
- To appreciate beauty spiritually
Our Team Leaders

Buisness & Industry Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To conduct self-development programs
- To promote ethical values in business and industry
- To promote human good over commercial attainments & profit
- To create consciousness of service and responsibility to humanity
- To promote spiritual learning for attaining excellence and satisfaction in work
- To seek business world cooperation and support to attain global peace and harmony
Our Team Leaders

Education Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To make educators the role models
- To impart moral and spiritual education
- To bring divinity with a holistic personality
- To empower spiritually with educational training
- To inculcate dynamic spiritual outlook among students
- To remove superstition and social evils through spirituality
- To develop human character with purity & peace in their mind & work
- To create awareness of global warming and to work for healthy environment
Our Team Leaders

IT Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To remove superstition, moral and social evils
- To provide voice to community through Radio
- To promote the concept of Community Radio Stations
- To create environmental awareness and responsibility
- To establish, manage and operate Radio Broadcast Station(s)
- To provide community service with the new communication techniques
- To advance the cause of education, particularly values and spiritual education.
Our Team Leaders

Jurist Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To revive social and spiritual values
- To develop a humane approach to criminals
- Through spiritual education making people law-abiding
- To promote Art and Science of Om Shanti Jurisprudence
- To reduce crime and transform society by promoting spiritual values
- To promote justice, fair play and equality of opportunity in social working etc.
- To facilitate the application of moral & ethical values in legal and judicial systems
Our Team Leaders

Media Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To promote equality, impartiality, honesty and integrity
- To discourage misinformation and biased news-casting
- To support efforts on human rights and social transformation
- To practice and promote positive & value-based journalism
- To promote media responsibility in religious harmony, protecting the weak,
victimized and voiceless millions - To conduct training courses, workshops etc. for the empowerment of media persons.
Our Team Leaders

Medical Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To spread awareness about drug addiction
- To spread awareness about drug addiction
- To reaffirm the ethical standards of medical profession
- To enlighten common man about the objectives of who etc.
- To project practical applications of meditation for medical profession
- To study scientifically the impact of Rajyoga on human mind and body
- To understand the psycho-physiological mechanisms of Rajyoga and its contribution in holistic health.
Our Team Leaders

Political service Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To promote feelings of trusteeship
- To honor the rule of law for the self
- To inculcate a culture of transparency and accountability
- To rise above the self & work in social & national interest
- To develop honesty, integrity and incorruptible character among politicians
- To promote respect for human worth and dignity and ensuring basic human rights
- To adopt honest means of governance with a sound footing of spiritual identity of the self
Our Team Leaders

Religious Service Wing
Aims & Objectives
- To make one treat all human beings as brothers and sisters, irrespective of their religion
- To promote the feelings of brotherhood, cooperation and humble conduct among
the members of all religious faiths etc. - To study, evaluate and compare any two religions with humility and sympathy
without calling any religion inferior or superior - To promote the avoidance of criticism and condemnation
for any religious faith - To inspire all religions to practice non-violence,
tolerance and forgiveness